Working from Home Tips
Working from Home Tips
The coronavirus COVID-19 (https://www.b2bsell.com/covid-19/) pandemic is having a profound effect on the economy, how we work and our mental state of mind. The full effects will not be understood for some time. One thing for sure; there will be consequences and changes that will alter the way we work – Forever.
For the first time, many of us will find ourselves working from home for a sustained period. You may find yourself forced into working from home but if you can get yourself organised you might be happier and more productive:
As a good salesperson you should understand, sell the benefits and not the features.
- Higher Productivity – You no longer have to deal with wasting time in traffic commuting to and from work
- Better Work Life Balance – You can decide when to eat, take a nap during the day, spend time with family or a take a break to walk around the block. Workaholics and working from home don’t sit well together, they lead to resentment
- More Autonomy – You won’t have a sales manager or employee watching you’re every move (we’re assuming you work in sales), concentrate better without distractions from fellow workers, superiors or subordinates
The Big Take-Away – You have more FREEDOM but need to be more RESPONSIBLE
Working from Home Tip 1
Check Your Equipment – Ensure all your equipment is working, phone laptop / computer and printer. Nothing is more debilitating than not having the tools for the job. Also ensure you’ve a spare ream of paper, ink for your printer and Windows updated outside of office hours (you can set when Windows updates, just Google it)
Working from Home Tip 2
Clean Pleasant Workspace – Create a place of sanctuary in your home, free of clutter and try to have a window you can look out of. A window is not a distraction but a source of natural light.
Working from Home Tip 3
Create a Routine – Get up early, plan the day, make a to do list and enjoy ticking off stuff when completed.
Working from Home Tip 4
Reward Yourself & Don’t Feel Guilty – This is by far the most important tip, if your idea of a reward is having lunch for 45 minutes, followed by a 30-minute nap, don’t feel guilty about doing it, just because people might frown upon it. If you’re at your desk by 8am, don’t feel guilty in taking a very long lunch, walking around the block or playing with your kids or for that matter the dog!
Working from Home Tip 5
Set Goals – Any good salesperson knows the old Arnold Palmer golfing maxim, “The more I practice, the luckier I get”. So set goals for the number of calls you make, appointments you set, (video conference software) and proposals you write; the sales will come!
Working from Home Tip 6
Communications – Set aside time to discuss campaigns with colleagues, just make sure to do this every day, no exceptions. With working from home, you can feel you’re not been heard, ‘out of sight, out of mind’
For more information and a different perspective see here https://www.rte.ie/brainstorm/2020/0309/1121062-guide-to-working-from-home/
For a practical and comprehensive guide to the kind of tools you can apply check out Creately’s excellent guide here Work from Home as a Team